Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Whole Food Diet Benefits

Since our topic is endings this month, I thought I'd remind you of the benefits of ending a diet high in additives and refined carbohydrates and beginning a diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, organic meats, legumes and non-wheat grains.

With a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, organic meats and non-wheat grains you will gain:

Improved focus and memory
A shrinking waisteline with improved weight loss and increased fat burning
Balanced blood sugar and improved insulin sensitivity
Improved cardiovascular health and better circulation
Lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol
A sense of calm and balanced emotions
More energy and better sleep
Balanced hormones
Decreased pain and less inflammation
Less headaches
Stronger immune system and less illnesses

This month, consider removing or greatly reducing your intake of packaged and processed foods from your diet. There are so many benefits, how can you say no? By reducing those refined carbohydrates and additives that are found in packaged foods, you improve your insulin sensitivity and reduce plaque development in your blood vessels which leads to all the improvements above! So, with the change in weather, now's a great time to stop by your local farmers market and pick up some delicious, organic locally grown foods to replace those packaged refined foods.

If you would like more information on the right diet for your individual health needs and a comprehensive health assessment, come in for a wellness appointment. We also offer a weight loss class to help you get healthy without experiencing cravings, mood swings or fatigue.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Let the Olympics Inspire You

With the Summer Olympics in full swing, the success of ritual and routine is readily apparent. Olympic athletes are some of the most disciplined among us, following proper nutrition, rigorous daily training, and appropriate rest in order to reach their goal. They eat balanced meals, avoid alcohol, take vitamins, stretch, work with coaches, physical therapists and sports psychologists. Their training routine is perfected, creating strength, agility and focus. Along with routines and great discipline, they have rituals such as eating a special meal with the team the night before the competition, listening to a specific song to gear up for a race, and visualizing their event regularly before it happens.

Use this time to be inspired and awaken the athlete within you! Do you have a goal you'd like to reach? Whether it's an athletic goal, a health goal or a goal at work or home. Choose foods that nourish your body and create meals that will help you have a successful day and move you towards your goal. Drink enough water, eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, legumes and lean meats. A proper diet is as important for athletic training as it is for weight loss, proper focus and stability. Create a workout routine that will bring you closer to your goal. Finally, take time to focus, meditate and visualize yourself reaching that goal. Create rituals and routines in your diet, exercise, and spiritual life. And repeat, repeat, repeat!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Chandler, B12 Shots, Madonna and You!

Beat the Heat with Vitamin B12!

Did you know that B12 absorption is decreased by many medications, including birth control pills, antibiotics, antacids and even alcohol? And absorption of B12 decreases as we age and our stomachs become less acidic. Life Sculpting is now offering $12 - B12 Injections along with B Complex. This is a great mixture of B Vitamins that will:

Increase Energy
Boost Metabolism
Improve Skin Texture and Tone
Improve Nervous System Health
Decrease Headaches
Balance Hormones and Decrease Symptoms of PMS
Improve Mood
Reduce Stress

If you're interested in experiencing the great effects of B12, make an appointment today – 480-883-8160.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Saying No to NSAIDS and Yes to Acupuncture

Prescription NSAIDS such as Vioxx and Celebrex, used to treat the pain and stiffness associated with osteoarthritis, have recently been shown to increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes in the patients who use them. Unfortunately, many patients suffering from osteoarthritis also suffer from heart disease making the prescribing of NSAIDS less than ideal.

Fortunately, acupuncture provides a much safer and effective alternative. A 26 week study published in Dec 2004 issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine showed that acupuncture was more effective than sham acupuncture or group education at decreasing pain and improving mobility. Mobility was shown to improve within the first 8 weeks and improvement in pain was found at the end of the 26 week study. In all, patients each received 23 acupuncture treatments over the 26 week period.

If you're interested in learning more about acupuncture for treatment of osteoarthritis and other musculo-skeletal conditions, email wellness@lifesculpting.biz.

Berman BM, Lao L, Langenberg P, et al. Effectiveness of acupuncture as adjunctive therapy in osteoarthritis of the knee. Ann Intern Med 2004;141:901-910.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Vitamin E Improves Cardiovascular Health

Is Vitamin E Really Beneficial?

The Journal of the American Medical Association published an article in July, 2005 stating that women who took 600 i.u. Vitamin E every other day for 10 years had no reduction in major cardiovascular events or incidence of cancer during the Women's Health Study. However, what they declined to emphasize is that vitamin E supplementation was beneficial in healthy women, decreasing cardiovascular mortality by 24% in this population. This is incredibly significant, considering heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women living in the United States.

It's important to realize that even research articles can be biased, and this appears to be the case with this JAMA article.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Aging Gracefully - Improving Memory

Despite what society says, as we age we don't lose our memories, we merely have a slowing in the ability to absorb, store, and retrieve new information. You can still make and recall new long-term memories; the process just takes a little longer. The good news is, with each new experience or memory that you store, you are able to associate it with your depth of past experiences, and become wiser than those younger than you.

Here are some simple tips for keeping your memory agile:

Memories are consolidated at night. A proper nights sleep helps ensure short term memories become long-term. Practice good sleep hygiene, by relaxing the hour before you go to bed, avoiding alcohol, caffeine and sleep medications. Sip on chamomile or valerian tea if you have trouble falling asleep. See your naturopathic doctor or family physician if you have difficulty falling asleep or have sleep apnea.

Socialize! Engaging in conversation with others is very stimulating to the brain. Asking relevant questions and practicing descriptive narratives of daily events will keep your brain active and your memory engaged.

Stimulate your mind by learning something new! Can you do crossword puzzles in your sleep? Try Sudoku. Have you played Hearts for years? Try Bridge. Is your favorite game Checkers? Maybe it's time to learn to play Chess. Take a cooking class, an expressive arts class, learn another language or take music lessons. Keep learning!

Manage your stress. Come to a meditation, a yoga class or a drum session. These classes teach you mental focus while helping you relax and lessen the stress in your life.

Believe in yourself! You have a good memory. You can memorize easily. You are a wonderful, caring, active and intelligent being. Have you told yourself that today?

If you're interested in learning more, come take a class at Life Sculpting, or stop by for a free consultation. We look forward to seeing you.

Be well!
Dr. Weeshoff

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Vitamin D Prevents Type I Diabetes in Children

A recent article published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood, March 2008, concluded that vitamin D supplementation beginning at 7 months of age, reduces the risk of developing Type I, Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus in children by 30%. It appears that larger doses of Vitamin D are even more protective.

Cod liver oil is a natural source of Vitamin D3, the best form of Vitamin D to supplement because it is the active form for our bodies. Cod liver oil also contains the active form of omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA which are important for central nervous system development and maturation, including cognitive development, mood and concentration. Cod liver oil supplementation will not only protect children from developing diabetes, it will improve their cognitive development, including helping treat Attention Deficit Disorder. Cod liver oil has multiple health benefits for the young developing child.

Adding cod liver oil into young children's diets is essential to their health. If you're interested in more information, email wellness@lifesculpting.biz.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Vaccines in the News, MMR and ProQuad

The Center for Disease Control has withdrawn its recommendation for ProQuad, a vaccine that combines the MMR (Measles, Mumps Rubella) vaccine with the chickenpox vaccine due to an increase in seizures within 10 days of vaccine administration. Previously they had recommended the coupled vaccine, as it leads to less needle sticks, and therefore less trauma to children. However, the ProQuad vaccine contains 4 times the amount of chickenpox vaccine compared to the chicken pox vaccine alone. While a single seizure event usually doesn't have lasting consequences for a child, it reminds us yet again, that these small bodies with immune systems that aren't fully developed, are not ready to be bombarded by numerous virus particles.


For more information on your family's health, visit www.lifesculpting.biz or call 480-883-8160

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Meditation - your heart depends on it!

A Heart Healthy Tip for February!

Did you know that long-term meditators experience 80% less heart disease and 50% less cancer than non-meditators?*

Many people think that meditation means sitting alone silently for hours on end. But meditation can be as simple as bringing mindfulness and awareness to your daily activities. Other forms of meditation include prayer, visualization, guided imagery, transcendental meditation, Buddhist meditation, movement meditation (Qi Gong, tai chi and certain forms of yoga) and the list goes on.

Meditation causes the “Relaxation Response,” a term coined by Dr. Herbert Benson, an associate professor at Harvard Medical School. From his research he determined that quieting and focusing your mind causes your body to react in positive and beneficial ways, including:

Lowering blood pressure
Lowering heart rate (pulse)
Slowing breathing (respiration), which is both calming and stress reducing
Lowering cortisol (cortisol is your stress hormone, which when chronically elevated can lead to weight gain, a weakened immune system, sleep problems and increases in chronic disease)

So consider taking a few minutes every day and beginning your own practice of meditation. Your heart, your body, and your friends will thank you!

*Meditation as Medicine, by Dharma Singh Khalsa, MD

Monday, February 11, 2008

Journey To Wellness

I was first drawn to naturopathic medicine through Duke's Integrative Medicine Center, which offered classes on holistic health and stress reduction. There, a team of doctors, life coaches, and integrative practitioners worked together to improve peoples lives and bring patients break throughs in healing. It is very fitting that I am now at Life Sculpting, a similar integrative center, helping people shape their lives, working on their mental, emotional, spiritual and physical paths to health.

My classes there were life changing, the best and most relaxing part of a rigorous class schedule. It's through these classes, that I came to know Naturopathic Medicine, with its philosophy of treating the whole person, finding the root cause of the disease, doing no harm and believing that a person is greater than the sum of his/her body's processes. I not only wanted to live naturopathically, I wanted to practice it!

I entered Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, a four year medical program in Tempe, where our coursework included conventional medicine, with physical exams, ordering labs and prescribing medications as well as botanical medicine, homeopathy, acupuncture, mind-body medicine and IV nutrients. Seeing patients find healing in natural medicine first hand helped me stay focused on my journey. After graduating, and practicing for a short time I found Life Sculpting, a place to inspire and heal, that is holistic, working on all aspects of your journey, a place very similar to where I first learned about naturopathic medicine. I am excited to be here. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to encourage you in your path to wellness.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Keeping your Immune System Strong Throughout the New Year

Keeping your Immune System Strong Throughout the New Year

Stave off those winter colds and flus by listening to your body and giving it what it needs! The joyful holiday season can leave our bodies worn down with all of the planning, traveling and celebrating with family and friends. Here are some tips for keeping your immune system strong so you can start your year off right!

1. Remember to rest and get plenty of sleep. That’s 7-9 hours a night for most adults, about 9 hours for teens and 10-12 hours for children under 10. Your immune system rebuilds during deep sleep, so if you feel a cold coming on, try getting to bed a little earlier.

2. Drink plenty of water and continue taking your vitamins. Both encourage healthy cellular processes and repair, in addition to helping the body remove toxins and waste.

3. Skip the sweets and party drinks. Both sugar and alcohol suppress your immune system, so at the first sign of a cold, it’s best to avoid them. Sugar can be hidden in fruit juices, dried fruits and granola bars, even flavored instant oatmeal, so read labels! If you miss that sweet taste, licorice tea is a great substitute, or try sweetening your foods with stevia, a natural herbal sweetener found at your local health food market.

4. Eat those cooking herbs! Garlic, onion, rosemary and thyme are a few of the cooking herbs that also have strong anti-microbial properties. What a great gift nature has given us! Using these fresh herbs raw or very lightly cooked, helps retain their anti-microbial activity.

5. Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. While washing your hands doesn’t strengthen your immune system, it will help you avoid getting sick!

Remember these tips, stay healthy and enjoy the rest of winter! And if you’re interested in more information on improving your health, check out our wellness classes or please call for an appointment. www.lifesculpting.biz ; phone: 480-883-8160